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Part One: Julius Streicher: The Other Hitler | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part Two: Julius Streicher: The Other Hitler | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: Josef Mengele & The Nazi Doctors | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: How Nice, Normal People Made The Holocaust Possible | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: Ron DeSantis: Florida Man | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Painful execution of Julius Streicher - Fanatical Nazi anti-Semite & sexual deviant
The Non-Nazi Bastards Who Helped Hitler Rise To Power | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: Dr. Oz: Why 'America's Doctor' Is A Bastard | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: Mosley: The British Hitler Who Inspired the Christchurch Shooter | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: The King of Con Artists, Victor Lustig | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: RAM: Nazi Fight Club | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
Part One: Why Kidnapping Conspiracy Theories Are Everywhere | BEHIND THE BASTARDS